Poker Guide

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Table of Contents

  1. Poker Etiquette
  2. House Policies
  3. Buy In
  4. Table Stakes / All In
  5. Operating Procedure & Policy
  6. Texas Hold ‘Em
  7. Omaha Poker
  8. Seven Card Stud
  9. Badugi Poker
  10. 2-7 (Deuce to Seven)
  11. Spanish 21
  12. Poker Hand Rankings
  13. Glossary of Poker Terminology
  14. Proper Conduct

Poker Etiquette

  1. Language, dress, hygiene and behavior should be of a standard appropriate for ladies and gentlemen.
  2. All raises should be announced.
  3. A player going all-in should announce that fact.
  4. Deliberately acting out of turn is not allowed.
  5. To assist the dealer in maintaining a comfortable, fast pace of play, a player should turn all their cards face down when folding.
  6. Discarded hands should be released on a low line of flight and at a moderate rate of speed. It should be directed toward the muck, not the dealer’s hand.
  7. A player who expects to be showing down the winning hand should show it immediately.
  8. The dealer is not to be held responsible for things beyond their control, such as the identity of the cards he deals.
  9. Although deception is a necessary part of poker, it is not polite to use an excessive amount of time to make a play everyone knows will be made.
  10. In most situations, a player who has no interest in the pot should still hold onto their hand although no one has bet. They should not fold, even in turn, because another player may gain an advantage over a competitor by that act.
  11. Arranging one’s chips to conceal higher denominations is not allowed.
  12. “Splashing the pot,” throwing chips into the pot so they become mingled with chips that are already there, making the amount wagered unverifiable, is inappropriate.
  13. If a player expects to be leaving the game for a long time, a supervisor should be notified.
  14. A player is entitled to quit the game any time they choose, without suffering criticism.
  15. Criticism of the way another player has elected to play their hand, or their general style of play, is impolite and undesirable.
  16. Lengthy post-mortems about a hand are unwelcome.
  17. Having a “soft play” agreement to not bet or not raise another player when heads-up is not welcome.
  18. Deliberately changing the order of up cards in Seven-Card Stud to deceive an opponent is not allowed.
  19. It is improper to try to see another’s hole cards by leaning or ducking the head. It is proper for an opponent to complain when a player is constantly getting the opportunity to see another’s hole cards.
  20. Players should speak up and assist the dealer by calling attention to an error in the amount of a bet or improper reading of a hand.
  21. Talk or action demeaning to the dealer or players will not be tolerated. Throwing cards, name-calling and other such inappropriate behavior will be grounds for suspending or barring any player from Live! Poker Room.

The Buy-In

The house will set a minimum buy-in for each game. All buy-ins and re-buys must be for at least that amount. No short buys are permitted. A new player to a table must comply with the buy-in requirement for that game even if they have come from the same size and type of game, unless the house has transferred them from a similar game, which has broken down, had the limit changed, or some related reason. In a “must move game,” because it is an extension of the main game, players are required to take all their chips with them. Plaques will be posted at each poker table indicting type of game, limit, antes or blinds and rake or time charge.

Table Stakes / All In

All games at Live! Casino are “table stakes” games. A player must first buy-in for at least the minimum amount (but not higher than the maximum) stated on the table game plaque. A player may not remove any part of their stake from the table once it has been part of the table unless that player is quitting the game. A player may remove a small amount from their stack for the purpose of incidentals so long as it doesn’t not substantially alter their stake. Players may not add to their stack in the middle of a hand.

Operating Procedure & House Policy

In all disputes in which a ruling, interpretation, clarification or intervention is required, the decision of the poker supervisor shall be final.

A player must be seated by a poker team member if they wish to play in a game.

Only one player is permitted to a hand and that player must make all decisions without any advice from anyone else.

Conversation in a language other than verbalized English is forbidden while a hand is in progress.

The house reserves the right to prohibit any group of players from playing on the same game.

Live! Poker Room is not responsible for chips or money left unattended at a table.

Poker Game Types

Texas Hold ‘Em

In Hold ‘em, a flat disk called the “Button” is used to indicate an imaginary dealer.

At the start of play, the dealer will deal each player one card face up to determine the placement of the Button. Whoever receives the highest-ranking card will start with the Button.

The Button will move around the table in a clockwise manner after each round of play.

The player to the immediate left of the Button is required to place a Small Blind bet. The player to the immediate left of the Small Blind bet is required to place a Big Blind bet. The amount and number of all Blinds bets will be posted on a Poker table plaque.

Starting with the player to the immediate left of the Button and continuing in a clockwise rotation around the Poker table, the dealer shall deal two rounds of cards face down to each player, as their personal hand (hole cards); the player with the Button being the last player to receive a card each time. After which there is the 1st round of betting.

Each player in turn, in clockwise rotation, starting with the player to the left of the Big Blind bet, has the option to Call, Raise, or Fold. If no player has raised the bet, then the option to raise is given to both Blind bets. After the last player has responded to the most recent bet, the betting round shall be considered complete.

The dealer will tap the table in front of the rack, burn the top card of the deck and place it under the pot, and proceed to deal three community cards (the Flop) face-up in the center of the table. The 2nd betting round will begin with the option to bet or check belonging to the first player to the left of the Button who has not folded. Each player may, in clockwise rotation, fold, call, raise the bet or, if preceding players have not made a bet, make an opening bet or check. The betting round shall be considered complete when each player has either folded or called in response to the most recent bet.

Upon the completion of the 2nd betting round, the dealer will again burn the top card of the deck and then deal a fourth community card (the Turn) face up to the right side of the Flop.

The 3rd betting round will begin with the option to bet or check belonging to the first player to the left of the Button who has not folded.

Upon the completion of the 3rd betting round, the dealer will again burn the top card of the deck and then deal a fifth community card (the River) face-up to the right of the Turn card.

The 4th and final betting round will begin with the option to check or bet belonging to the first player to the left of the Button who has not folded. If more than one player remains in the round of play after the final betting round has been completed, a showdown shall be used to determine the winner of the pot.

Each player remaining in the game will turn their cards over and the dealer will read the cards to determine the highest ranking five-card high Poker hand using, in any combination, their two cards and the five community cards.

The winner of the pot will be the player with the highest-ranking five card high Poker hand.

In the event of a tie, the pot will be evenly divided.

Any excess chip is awarded to the player to the left of the dealer Button that is in the pot.

Omaha Poker

In Omaha, a flat disk called the “Button” is used to indicate an imaginary dealer.

At the start of play, the dealer will deal each player one card face up to determine the placement of the Button. Whoever receives the highest-ranking card will start with the Button

The Button will move around the table in a clockwise manner after each round of play.

The player to the immediate left of the Button is required to place a Small Blind bet. The player to the immediate left of the Small Blind bet is required to place a Big Blind bet. The amount and number of all Blinds bets will be posted on a Poker table plaque.

Starting with the player to the immediate left of the Button and continuing in a clockwise rotation around the Poker table, the dealer shall deal four rounds of cards face down to each player, as their personal hand (hole cards). The player with the Button being the last player to receive a card each time. After which there is the 1st round of betting.

Each player in turn, in a clockwise rotation, starting with the player to the left of the Big Blind bet has the option to Call, Raise, or Fold. If no player has raised the bet, then the option to raise is given to both Blind bets.

After the last player has responded to the most recent bet, the betting round shall be considered complete.

The dealer will tap the table in front of the rack, burn the top card of the deck and place it under the chips in the pot, and proceed to deal three community cards or (the Flop) face-up in the center of the table.

The next betting round shall commence with the option to bet or check belonging to the first player to the left of the Button who has not folded. Each player may, in clockwise rotation, fold, call, raise the bet or, if preceding players have not made a bet, make an opening bet or check

Upon completion of the betting round, the dealer will again burn the top card of the deck and then deal a fourth community card (the Turn) face-up to the right side of the Flop.

The next betting round will begin with the option to bet or check belonging to the first player to the left of the Button who has not folded. Upon completion of the betting round the dealer will again burn the top card of the deck and then deal a fifth community card (the River) face up to the right side of the Turn.

The final betting round will begin with the option to bet or check belonging to the first player to the left of the Button who has not folded.

If more than one player remains in the round of play after the final betting round has been completed, a showdown shall be used to determine the winner of the pot.

Each player remaining in the game shall form a five card Poker hand by using two of the four cards dealt to the player and three of the five community cards.

Seven Card Stud

Each Poker table shall be restricted to a maximum of eight players. Each player who plays in a round of play may be required to place an ante.

Starting with the first player to the left of the dealer and continuing in a clockwise rotation around the Poker table, the dealer will deal two rounds of cards face down and one round of cards face up to each player. Once each player has received three cards, the first betting round shall begin by comparing the up card of each player

The player with the lowest card will start the betting round. If two or more up-cards are of the same value, the up cards shall then be ranked by suits with the highest to lowest ranked suits in order as follow: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs

Following the bet placed by the player with the low card, each following player, proceeding in a clockwise rotation may Fold, Call or Raise the bet. After the last player has responded to the most recent bet, the betting round is complete.

Upon completion of the first betting round, the dealer will bring the chips into the center of the table and burn the top card of the deck by placing it under the pot. Starting with the first remaining player to the dealers left, a fourth card face up will be dealt to each player remaining in the game.

The player with the highest-ranking Poker hand showing will initiate the action by betting or checking. If the highest-ranking Poker hand showing is held by two or more players, betting starts on the hand with the high card by suit.

Following the initial bet or check, each subsequent player, proceeding in a clockwise rotation, may fold, call, raise or, if the preceding players have not made a bet, check. Each player may check until a bet has been made. Once a bet has been made, the next player in the clockwise rotation may fold, call or raise.

After the last player has responded to the most recent bet, the betting round is complete. The dealer will then deal two additional rounds of cards face up, to each player remaining in the game. Each round will be followed by a betting round as described above. Prior to each round of cards being dealt, the dealer shall burn the top card of the deck and place it under the pot. If there are enough cards remaining in the deck/stub, each remaining player will be dealt a seventh and final card. If there are not enough cards remaining in the deck to give each remaining player a seventh card, the dealer may shuffle the burn cards, burn a card, then deal a seventh card to each player. If more than one player remains after the final betting round, a showdown will be used to determine the winner of the pot. Each player remaining in the game shall form a five-card poker hand from the seven cards that they were dealt. The winner of the pot will be the player with the highest-ranking five card high hand.

Badugi Poker

Badugi Poker is a Draw Poker Game that can be played with up to 8 players. It’s played with a dealer Button and can be played with or without an ante. It is played with Blinds.

It is typically played with 3 draws and 4 betting rounds.

Starting with the player to the immediate left of the Button and continuing in a clockwise rotation around the Poker table, the dealer shall deal four rounds of cards face down to each player (the player with the button being the last to receive a card each time), after which there is a betting round. Then players may draw from 0 to 4 cards, followed by the 2nd betting round.

Player may again, draw for 0 – 4 cards, followed by the 3rd betting round.

Players will then have one final opportunity to draw from 0 to 4 cards followed by the 4th betting round and final betting round.

In Badugi Poker, the player with lowest hand is the winner. The best possible hand is Ace -2-3-4 of different suits.

If no player has a qualifying 4 card hand, the best hand will be the lowest 3 card hand with no cards being of the same rank or suit.

If no player has a qualifying 3 card hand, the lowest 2 card hand will be declared the winner.

If there is no 2-card winner, then the player with the lowest ranking card shall be declared winner.

In the event of a tie, the pot is split evenly among the winners.

2-7 (Deuce to Seven)

Deuce to seven is a Draw Poker game that can be played with up to 6 players.

It’s played with a dealer Button and can be played with or without an ante. It is played with Blinds.

It is typically played with 3 Draws and 4 betting rounds. It can be played with a single draw if it’s played No Limit.

Starting with the player to the immediate left of the Button and continuing in a clockwise rotation around the Poker table, the dealer shall deal five rounds of cards face down to each player (the player with the Button being the last player to receive a card each time), after which there is the betting round. Then, players may draw 0 to 5 cards, followed by the 2nd betting round.

Player may again, draw 0 to 5 cards and there is 3rd betting round.

Players will then have one final opportunity to draw from 0 to 5 cards followed by the 4th and final betting round.

Players can choose to keep their hand intact and not throw away any cards at all during any of the betting rounds. This is known as standing pat or rapping pat.

The best possible 2-7 lowball hand is 7-5-4-3-2 (with all five cards NOT of the same suit).

Straights, flushes and pairs count against you.

Having a straight does not kill your hand but lessens the value. For example; any hand without a flush, straight or pair will beat any hand with a pair, regardless of how low the cards are.

The ace is used only as a high card.

Because the ace is a high card, 5-4-3-2-A is NOT considered to be a straight but an A-5 high.

Any two players holding the same hand split the pot.

Poker Hand Rankings

All games are played with a 52-card deck; a joker is not used.

After the final round of betting is completed, each Player will select the best five cards from their hand according to the following table which lists the ranking of hands, from highest to lowest.

Poker Hands Hand Consisting Of
Royal Flush Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten of the same suit.
Straight Flush Any five cards in numerical order and of the same suit.
Four of a Kind Any four cards of the same rank.
Full House Three cards of the same rank, plus two cards of same rank.
Flush Any five cards of the same suit (not consecutive).
Straight Any five cards in numbered succession. Aces can be used for high or low.
Three of a Kind Any three cards of the same rank.
Two Pair Any two cards of the same rank plus another two cards of the same rank.
One Pair Any two cards of the same rank.
High Card Highest card in a hand that doesn’t meet any criteria of the 9 rankings.

Glossary of Poker Terminology

The following words and terms shall have the following meaning with respect to the game of poker unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

ACTION – A binding verbal statement or physical gesture of intention, folding or putting money in the pot by a bet, call or raise.

ALL-IN – A player who has no funds remaining on the poker table to continue betting in a round of play who still retains the right to contend for that portion of the pot in which the player has already placed a bet.

ANTE – A predetermined wager which each player is required to make in some poker games prior to any cards being dealt in order to participate in a round of play.

BET – The act of placing gaming chips into the pot or any betting round.

BETTING ROUND – A complete wagering cycle in a hand of poker after all players have bet, called, folded or checked.

BLIND BET – A mandatory wager in some types of poker games which only players in specific betting position shall be required to place prior to look at any cards.

BURN CARDS – A card taken from the top of a deck which shall be discarded face down and is not in play so the identity remains unknown.

BUTTON – An object which is moved clockwise around the table to denotes an imaginary dealer and thereby determines the betting and dealing sequence.

CALL – A wager made in an amount equal to the immediately preceding wager.

CAPPED – Situation in which the maximum number of raises on the betting round has been reached.

CHECK – To waive the right to initiate the betting in a round but to retain the right to act if another player initiated the betting.

CHECK RAISE – To waive the right to bet until a bet has been made by an opponent, and then to increase the bet by a least an equal amount when it is your turn to act.

COMMON CARD – A card dealt face up which can be used by all players at showdown in the game of stud poker whenever there are insufficient cards left in the deck to deal each player a card individually.

COMMUNITY CARD – Any card which is dealt face up and can be used by all players to form their best hand in the games of Hold’em and Omaha.

COMPLETE THE BET – To increase an all-in bettor’s forced bet to a full bet in limit Poker.

CUT CARD – A plastic card used during the cut process to conceal the bottom card of the deck.

DEAD BLIND – A blind that is assigned to a seat no longer occupied by an active player, and therefore, not posted.

DEAD MONEY – Money that is taken into center of the pot because it is not considered part of a particular player’s bet.

DEAD HAND – A hand that cannot win any part of the pot.

DUECE – Poker terminology for a card with the rank of two.

DRAW – An exchange by a player of cards held in his or her hand, after the initial round of betting, for an equal number of new cards in any game of draw poker.

EIGHT OR BETTER – Requirement for a low hand that must contain five cards that are eight and lower with no pair.

FIXED LIMIT – Any betting structure where the betting limit on each particular round does not vary.

FLEXIBLE LIMIT – Any betting structure where there is a fixed upper limit but variable ranges on each betting round, such as “one to five-dollar limit.”

FLOP – In Hold ‘em or Omaha, the three community cards that are turned simultaneously after the first round of betting is complete.

FOLD – A player withdrawing from a round of play by refusing to make an equal bet during a betting and discarding his hand of cards.

FORCED BET – A wager that is required to start the wagering on the first betting round.

FOULED HAND – A hand that either has an improper number of cards or has come into contact with other cards in such a way as to render it impossible to determine accurately which cards are contained in the hand.

HALF-KILL – In the game of Omaha High-Low Split Eight or Better, when one player wins an entire quality pot, the betting limits are increased by one-half the posted table wagering limits for the next hand. This remains in effect until a pot is split between one player winning the high hand and another player winning the low hand or until a pot does not qualify in amount.

HIGH – A game of poker in which the highest hand wins the pot.

HIGH-LOW SPLIT – A form of poker where the pot is split between the highest hand and the lowest hand

HOLE CARD – The player’s cards that are dealt face down, which are not exposed until the end of the hand.

KILL – In the game of Omaha High-Low Split Eight or Better, when one player wins an entire qualifying pot, the betting limits are twice the posted table wagering limits for the next hand and remain in effect until a pot is split between one player winning the high hand and another player winning the low hand, or until a pot does not qualify in amount.

LOW – A game of poker where the lowest ranking hand wins the pot.

MINIMUM BETTING UNIT – The smallest denomination that is permitted to be wagered in the game, once antes and blinds are posted.

MUCK – The discarded pile of cards. May be used as a verb meaning to put a hand into the discard pile thereby killing it.

MULTI-HANDED – A pot with more than two active players in contention for the pot.

OPENING BET – The first bet in a round of play.

OPTION – The choice to raise a bet given to a player with a blind.

POT – The amount which is awarded to the winning player or players at the conclusion of a round of play and is equal to the total amount anted and wagered by the players during the round of play, less any rake extracted.

PROTECTED HAND – A hand of cards which the player is physically holding.

RAISE – A bet in an amount greater than the immediately preceding bet in that betting round.

RAKE – The chips collected by the dealer as poker revenue.

RANDOM CARD – A card selected from a group of unknown cards, each having an equal chance of being chosen.

RANDOM CARD CONCEPT – The idea that the substitution of a random card for a player’s proper card (because of an irregularity) leaves the player with the same mathematical chances of winning the pot as before the irregularity occurred. Therefore, it is assumed that the player has not been materially injured by that irregularity.

RIVER CARD – The final card in any poker game.

ROUND OF BETTING – The sequence of betting after each round of cards has been dealt. The round is not complete until each active player has called or folded.

ROUND OF PLAY – For any game of poker, the process by which cards are dealt, bets are placed, and the winner of the pot is determined and paid.

HOWDOWN – The action of revealing the hands in order to determine who shall win the pot.

SIDE POT – A separate pot formed when one or more players are all-in.

SPLIT LIMIT – A fixed limit betting structure where later betting rounds have a higher limit than earlier rounds.

STREET – A ROUND OF CARDS OR THE FOLLOWING BETTING ROUND: Streets are numbered at Stud by the number of cards held by the player at that point; at Hold ‘em by the number of board cards at the point.

STRING BET or STRING RAISE – A bet made in more than one motion, without the declaration of a raise.

STUB – The remaining portion of the deck after all cards in a round have been dealt.

SUBSTANTIAL ACTION – is defined as three players taking any action (including a fold) or two players acting by a bet, call, or raise. Substantial action can only occur when the dealer is no longer in the act of dealing cards.

SUIT – One of the four type of cards, that is Club, Diamond, Heart or Spade. The suits have no bearing on the value of a hand except to determine who brings in the low card in stud games, and who brings in the high card in a razz game.

TABLE STAKES – The gaming chips that are in play. A player may not subtract from their chips any time during an ongoing play.

TREY – Poker terminology for the rank of the card three.

TURN CARD – The fourth street card in Hold ‘em or Omaha.

UP-CARDS – The cards dealt to a player face up in a game of Stud poker.

WHEEL CARD – An ace, duece, trey, four and five (the best possible hand at Ace to Five Lowball) commonly called a “Wheel” or “Bicycle.”

Proper Conduct

Any behavior designed to assist one player over another is prohibited. Each player in a poker game shall play the game solely to improve their chance of winning and shall take no action to improve another player’s chance of winning. No player may communicate any information to another player which could assist the player in any manner respecting the outcome of a poker game.

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